Sunday, April 24, 2005

More Pictures

Please look over to the archives listed on the right because there are 79 pictures total on this website. Clicking on each picture listed in the 'Previous Posts' on the right should bring up a new list and page of pictures to see.
Thank you

Korean War Veterans Memorial: Main view Posted by Hello

Korean War Veterans Memorial: statue of radio controller Posted by Hello

Korean War Veterans Memorial more etchings Posted by Hello

Korean War Veterans Memorial: middle view Posted by Hello

Korean War Veterans Memorial: faces from the wall Posted by Hello

Korean War Veterans Memorial- statues walking Posted by Hello

Korean War Veterans Memorial: Pictures of those who died etched into the walls of the memorial Posted by Hello

Korean War Veterans Memorial: faces etched into the wall Posted by Hello

Korean War Veterans Memorial Posted by Hello

Nurses Memorial Posted by Hello

Vietnam War Veterans Memorial: a little over half of the entire memorial wall Posted by Hello

Vietnam War Veterans Memorial, a closer look Posted by Hello

Vietnam War Veterans Memorial, people taking rubbings of names Posted by Hello

Vietnam War Veterans Memorial taken from the Vietnam War Statue, and not all of it would fit in the picture Posted by Hello

Vietnam War Statue Posted by Hello

Washington Monument and reflection pool taken from the top steps of the Lincoln Memorial Posted by Hello

The Gettysburg Address on the wall inside the Lincoln Memorial Posted by Hello

Inside the Lincoln Memorial Posted by Hello

Tools used to make the Lincoln Memorial Posted by Hello

Pictures showing how they built the Lincoln Memorial Posted by Hello

The Lincoln Memorial with the boys sitting on the steps Posted by Hello

The reflecting pool with the Lincoln Memorial at the end Posted by Hello

The suit worn by Bill Pullman in the movie Independance Day Posted by Hello

The suit worn by Harrison Ford in the movie Air Force One Posted by Hello

A present given to President Grant Posted by Hello